To contact a staff member, please call the school on 01305 783391.
If you are unsure who to contact, please email the main office and your enquiry will be passed on to the appropriate member of our team.
Main Office -
Safeguarding Concerns can be directed to the Safeguarding Team, by emailing the address below.
Safeguarding Team -
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Cullen - Principal
Mr Purkis - Vice Principal - Safeguarding & Behaviour & DSL
Mr Oxborrow - Vice Principal - Quality of Education & Standards
Mrs Jeanes - Vice Principal-Inclusion and SENDco
Mr Twigg - Assistant Vice Principal -Behaviour &DDSL
Mrs Roberts - Assistant Vice Principal -Teaching & Learning
Mr McConnell -Assistant Vice Principal - Personal Development
House Teams
St Veronica -
St Thomas -
St Hildegard -
St Sebastion -
Teaching Faculty
Ms Alden - Geography
Mr Aslett - Science
Mrs Burlin - MFL
Mr Chapman - Science
Mr Clarke-Jones - History
Mr Croft - Science
Mrs De Bertrand - Personalised Curriculum
Mrs Dewey - PE
Mr Emm - MFL
Mr Gunning - PE & HOH
Mr Gyllenship - Maths
Mr Harle-Cowan - Maths
Mr Hyde - PE
Ms James - Maths
Mr Jeffcott - DT
Mrs Kershaw - science
Mr Lee - Music
Miss Lewendon - RE
Mrs Lucken - Science
Mrs Matthews - English
Mr Morgan - Science
Mr Mullender - RE
Mr Newstead - Maths
Ms Parsons - Art
Mr Piper - English
Mr Prior - Maths
Mrs Rees - Performing Arts & dance
Mr Rich - Maths
Mrs Rogers - Art and Tech
Mrs Rogers - MFL
Miss Rolph - Geography
Mrs Thorne - English
Mrs Timmons - Music
Mrs West - English
Safeguarding Team
Safeguarding Team -
Mrs Dennis - Family Liasion Officer
Mrs Dring & Mrs Llewellyn - Welfare Team
Pastoral, Administration and Support Staff
Main Office -
Mrs Pering - Exams, Data and Cover
Mrs Murphy - HR Admin Lead, PA to Principal and Clerk to Governors
Mrs Rider - Attendance
Ms Makin - Admissions
Mr Clark - IT Manager
Mrs Lawlor - LRC Manager
Mr Harrop - First Aid Lead
Mr Harding - Site Manager
Ms Bushaway - Send Manager
Mrs Black/Mrs Sorin - Student Support Manager
Mr Head - SEND Administrator