All Saints Church of England Academy

Subject Intent

Learning for Life Curriculum Intent

Learning for Life is the subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare for life and work in modern Britain.  Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Through Learning for Life, pupils learn that they can have a positive impact on their own mental and emotional wellbeing, through healthy eating, exercise and using techniques such as mindfulness, meditation and relaxation techniques.  A key part of our programme is building positivity, self-esteem and resilience which empowers our pupils to be the best they can be and make the most of opportunities presented to them.

The programme empowers pupils to understand and manage risk and to keep themselves safe and healthy online and in real life, while living life to the full.

We ensure that the statutory RSHE guidelines are covered through the Jigsaw programme which we adapt to suit the needs of our pupils. We identify the needs of our pupils through pupil and parental voices and through discussion with Dorset Council Children’s Services and through Public Health England local data.


In the topic ‘Being me’ we develop pupils’ self-esteem and resilience by identifying what we are proud of and learning wellbeing techniques such as meditation, relaxation and mindfulness. In ‘Changing me’ and ‘Relationships’ pupils develop their understanding of their changing bodies and how this can impact on their emotional wellbeing.  In Y7 & 8 the focus is on building healthy friendships, this develops in Y9 into healthy intimate relationships.  The issue of consent is dealt with in an age- appropriate manner to enable pupils to ensure they have consent and to know that it is their body and that they have the power to decide what happens to it. In ‘Healthy Me’ pupils develop on the skills needed to cope with peer pressure and to manage risks involved with smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs. Pupils are introduced to the lifesaving skills of Basic First Aid, including CPR. In ‘Difference’ we work on citizenship skills including stereotyping, challenging influences, prejudice, child on child abuse and protected characteristics and the role of public institutions, the role of parliament and improving communities. In ‘Dreams and Goals’ pupils develop their employability skills, budgeting skills, and consumer skills.


In ‘Changing me’ and ‘Relationships’ we build on KS3 knowledge and skills and focus on consent, respecting all relationships and keeping safe from domestic abuse, viewing harmful content online and our legal rights and responsibilities.  In ‘Being me’ pupils develop skills to help them cope with challenges of life and exams and learn how to recognise anxiety and depression and know where to go for help.  The ‘Healthy me’ topic reinforces CPR and basic First Aid knowledge and skills and focuses on the risks involved with gang membership and county lines.  In ‘Celebrating me’ we develop pupils understanding of modern Britain with a focus on the role of the police and the criminal justice system. In ‘Dreams and goals’ the focus in KS4 is on CV writing, interview skills, preparing for work experience and post-16 education and keeping safe financially.

Adaptations to the Jigsaw plan

While we have subscribed to the Jigsaw package for 2022-23 we have adapted their plans to suit the needs of pupils in our Academy and local area.

In Year 7 we have moved ‘Changing me’ and ‘Relationships’ to terms 2 and 3 to ensure that pupils have received essential puberty information. Following consultation with primary schools it was noted that due to Covid students had missed this in Key Stage 2.

In Year 9 we focus on relationships in ‘Changing me’ at the end of the year to ensure that students are able to discuss pornography and sexually transmitted infections in a respectful manner.

In Year 10 we have replaced ‘Dreams and Goals’ with a Careers unit which utilises Unifrog in term 2 and will enable students to prepare for work experience.

In Year 11 students will start with ‘Dreams and Goals’ in term 1 to support them in applying for Post 16 education and placements.

Year Guides – Curriculum Content

Year 7 Learning for Life Curriculum Content 23-24

Year 8 Learning for Life Curriculum Content 23-24

Year 9 Learning for Life Curriculum Content 23-24

Year 10 Learning for Life Curriculum Content 23-24

Year 11 Learning for Life Curriculum Content 23-24