All Saints Church of England Academy

Uniform & Equipment


Hoodies, fashion tops, tracksuits, stretchy skirts and trainers are not part of our uniform and will be confiscated/require replacement with correct items.

Please support us by ensuring that your child arrives at school dressed smartly. All clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Full uniform must be worn all year round unless the Academy notifies any changes. 

All our uniform is supplied by PRICE & BUCKLAND:

Please read this letter setting out the changes:


Second Hand Uniform:

Please contact the office staff on 01305 783391 for the sale of any second-hand uniform.


All pupils should have a strong bag to protect and carry their books and equipment from one part of the school to another. Plastic carrier bags are not adequate for this purpose. They will also need a suitable bag for PE kit.

Bags which can be carried on the back, with two straps, are the best for posture. A regular check by parents to ensure no unnecessary clutter is carried is encouraged!

Books and Equipment 

Exercise books, textbooks and pupil planners are provided by the school. However, it is essential that pupils carry their own basic equipment (pens, pencils, a ruler and a calculator).

You can view our equipment requirements here.

Correction fluid must not be brought to school.

Pencil cases should be marked with the pupil’s name and children should be encouraged to take care of their property.

Students can purchase all the necessary stationary for lessons from the School Shop located in the library (LRC). A full list of shop prices can be found here.

Personal Property

Pupils who have lost property should enquire at the School Office.

Pupils should not bring more money to school than they need. Money and other valuables should be kept on the owner’s person. It should never be left in bags, cloakrooms, classrooms or changing rooms.

A valuables box is available for all pupils in all PE lessons and pupils should request to use it if they have need so to do.

Mobile Phones

Pupils are allowed to carry mobile phones so that they can contact parents before and after the school day when off site.

They must be switched off and stored securely in a pocket or bag during the school day.

They must not be used, seen or heard on site.

They will be confiscated by staff if used, seen or heard during the day.  Parents/carers may be required to collect their child’s phone in accordance with our Behaviour Policy.

The school will not be held liable for any loss or damage to mobiles that may take place during the school day.

Any pupil that needs to contact a parent / carer during the school day should report to reception at break or lunch time and support will be provided.

The above approach to phones also applies to other electronic devices (e.g. tablets / headphones / airpods etc…)