All Saints Church of England Academy

Welcome from the CEO

I’m delighted to welcome you to Authentic Education.

Our family of schools aims to provide an inspiring and engaging education which will set our students up for lifetime success. 

Through the learning opportunities we offer both in the classroom and beyond, we hope to encourage our students to discover more about themselves, the things they’re passionate about, and the paths they might pursue when they move on from school.

We are unashamedly ambitious for the children and young people in our care and are committed to high standards and high expectations. Our curriculum is constantly evolving to utilise current research and educational practices, as well as the latest tech and digital innovations, in our classrooms and we are focused on building relationships with business to better prepare our students for the workplace. 

As educators, we are committed to excellence and, in modelling this for our students, we hope they will choose excellence in all they do themselves.

I hope you enjoy exploring our site. It gives just a little insight into what we’re about. Please get in touch with any questions, we’re always keen to build new partnerships and welcome visits at any time.


Fay MacRitchie
Chief Executive Officer